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The Config class holds the contents of the configuration file.

Using in route handler

You can retrieve the contents of the configuration file by receiving config as an argument in your route handler.

from pykour import Pykour, Config

app = Pykour(config=Config('config.yaml'))

def index(config: Config):
    return { 'message': config.get('message') }

Logging settings

Logging settings are configured using the pykour.logging key.

Logging level setting

Logging levels are set using the level key.

    level: INFO, DEBUG

Pykour does not filter by level in general, but by enumerating the levels to be covered. In this example, in addition to the explicitly specified INFO and DEBUG logs, the access log is also output.

Database Settings

Database settings are configured using the pykour.datasource key.

Database type setting

Database type is set using the type key.

    type: sqlite

Settings database connection information

Use host, db, username, and password to set database connection information.

    type: mysql
    host: localhost
    db: test
    username: root
    password: password

The available settings are as follows:

  • host: Database hostname
  • db: Database name
  • username: Username
  • password: Password

connection pool settings

Use the pool key to set up a connection pool.

    type: mysql
    host: localhost
    db: test
    username: root
    password: password
      max-connections: 10

To set up a connection pool, specify the maximum pool size with the max-connections key.